
Discover the Healing Power of Western Acupuncture (Dry Needling)

At Complement, we offer Western acupuncture (aka dry needling) as part of physiotherapy treatments, together feeding into our integrated approach. You can read more about our philosophy here.

Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, recovering from an injury, or simply looking to enhance your overall well-being, Western acupuncture can offer safe, effective, and natural relief. Our skilled physiotherapists Kelly and Nick offer dry needling as part of their physiotherapy treatment services.

Western acupuncture is a modern approach to acupuncture that integrates neurophysiology and anatomy principles into its practice. It specialises in treating musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction by delicately inserting thin, sterile needles into trigger points - tender muscle areas - to provoke the body's innate healing mechanisms. Unlike traditional Chinese acupuncture, which focuses on balancing the flow of energy or Qi through meridian pathways, Western acupuncture hones in on precise muscles and nerves to alleviate pain and release tension effectively.


  • Effective Relief of musculoskeletal pain, including back, neck, shoulder, and joint pain. By stimulating the release of endorphins and other neurochemicals, acupuncture helps to reduce pain perception and promote relaxation.

  • Alleviation of muscle tension and tightness by promoting blood flow to the affected areas and releasing knots or trigger points. This can improve flexibility, range of motion, and overall muscle function.

  • Enhancement of the body's natural healing processes by increasing circulation, reducing inflammation, and promoting tissue repair. This can accelerate recovery from injuries, surgeries, and other musculoskeletal conditions.

  • Reduction of stress, anxiety, and tension through a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and tension. Many patients find acupuncture sessions to be deeply relaxing and rejuvenating, providing a welcome respite from the demands of daily life.

What to Expect During a session that involves dry needling, you'll be comfortably positioned on a treatment table while our skilled practitioners carefully insert thin needles into specific trigger points identified during your assessment. You may feel a slight sensation as the needles are inserted, but most patients find the experience to be relatively painless and deeply relaxing.

The dry needling techniques are integrated by our therapist together with the other methods during the sessions. You will receive an exhaustive explanation before any dry needling techniques, and the therapeutic plan will be shared with you, with adequate preparation.