Paediatric Osteopathy

Gentle Care for Babies, Toddlers and Kids

Paediatric osteopathy is a specialised branch of osteopathic medicine, focusing on providing gentle, hands-on treatment for newborns, infants and children. This gentle approach caters to the unique responsiveness of newborns, infants and children's bodies, aiming to address issues such as feeding difficulties, colic, and developmental concerns in a safe and effective manner. We recommend scheduling a paediatric osteopathy visit for your baby soon after birth or in the early months of life.

Our skilled and compassionate paediatric osteopath Emma is dedicated to providing gentle and nurturing care for your little ones. With her specialised training and experience, Emma can help with:

  • Relieving Tension and Discomfort by applying gentle manual techniques to release tension and restrictions in the body, particularly in the craniosacral system, spine, and musculoskeletal system. This helps improve overall comfort and well-being. Common treated issues are torticollis and plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome).

  • Supporting Developmental Milestones by assessing musculoskeletal and neurological development and addressing any issues that may be impacting ability to reach developmental milestones. By identifying and addressing restrictions or imbalances early on, Emma can support healthy and effective growth and development.

  • Addressing Feeding Difficulties (latch problems, reflux, or sucking issues) by applying gentle techniques aimed at improving cranial and oral function to help optimise the ability to breastfeed or bottle-feed comfortably and effectively.

  • Managing Colic and Digestive Issues (colic, gas, and digestive discomfort) by addressing restrictions in the abdomen and supporting optimal organ function to help relieve discomfort and improve digestion.

  • Promoting Relaxation and Sleep by releasing tension and facilitating the body's natural healing processes through gentle touch and calming presence.

Overall, paediatric osteopathy offers a gentle and non-invasive approach to support the health and well-being of newborns, infants and children. With Emma’s expertise and compassionate care, parents can feel confident knowing that their little ones are in good hands.